psoalan nie dah lama timbul dlm diri ana tp dh smakin mbuak2 bile ustaz Sulaiman cite psal kafirun laknatullah ari tu..
gini citernye.... sumernye bmula bile salah seorg ikhwan tanye psal OSAMA yg tbunuh aritu..
ustz cite dari A sampai Z.. kami x jemu2 denga cite ustaz..
kata ustz OSAMA mnubuhkn skumpulan tentera dlm kalangan pelajar, and so, OSAMA named it to: THALIBAN, which means pelajar.. lpas tu, kump nih gabung plok dgn sekumpulan mujahidin afghanistan..
ok, straight to the point--->
ana ttarik bile ustz cakap psal agen CIA... teliti, cekap, pantas... tu yg bley ana concludekn drp cite ustz aritu.. namun, sayang seribu kali sayang....
4 your all information... this agen works 4 ISRAEL laknatullah!
muslims WAKE UP!!
menurut ustaz, OSAMA ialah bekas agen CIA dan dbunuh sbb belot.. agen yg belot akn dbunuh dlm masa 24 jam..
on the other hand...
cuba renungkan.. negara ape yg sdg ade konflik skarang nih??
pakistan, Lubnan, Mesir... negara saper tu???
ASK YOURSELF!!! negara sape tu????
NEGARA ORANG ISLAM!!! .fullstop...
saper yg salah? don't point your finger to others.. the answer is when you face the mirror and point your finger to the man inside the mirror.. now u know who is the wrong one...
why we are the wrong one?? the wrong is the soldier who responsible 2 take care peace in the kingdom!
we just have to sit ona big chair watching the television and enjoy coca-cola!!
Oh, is that all?? and we'll never in chaous?
if that what u think, wait until ISRAEL shake their hand watching us like this....
WAKE UP from your comfort chair!! n fight them.. if not by ur body, by ur hand, raise ur hand pray 2 god!! wish ISLAM could stand again!!
WAKE UP!!!!!