Sunday, March 13, 2011

This Is Me!!

I've always been the kind of girl
That hid my face
So afraid to tell the world
What I've got to say
But I have this dream
Right inside of me
I'm gonna let it show, it's time
To let you know
To let you know

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

Do you know what it's like
To feel so in the dark
To dream about a life
Where you're the shining star
Even though it seems
Like it's too far away
I have to believe in myself
It's the only way

This is real, This is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me..

Enjoy this lyrics!! Believe in yourself what ever u do n make sure it is because of Allah. u will get free income of PAHALA u know??n from there, u will get a new, strong spirit..  believe me.. Actually this is the lyric from the song in camp rock [THIS IS ME].. erm.. it's not wrong 4 us to enjoy this kind of song but make sure it's not making us LAGHA.. or in the other wods lupa n alpa.. Islam x msekat hiburan asalkn x menjauhkn diri kte dgn Tuhan yg maha esa.. enjoy yourself with songs that make u nearer to Allah, songs that give u spirits to become a better muslim.. BUT... don't ever forget ZIKRULLAH in your heart..

what important is how u see yourself, not how the others think about you!!
and another thing is....
Jangan fikir persepsi manusia pada kte tp fikir laa persepsi Allah pada kte!!

~wallahu a'lam~

Thursday, March 10, 2011

don't WORRY!

Wahai wanita solehah, jgn risau akan jodohmu kerana muslimin yg bijaksana takkan terpaut
pd wanita hanya pada kecantikan, lirikan senyuman, pd bicara manja yg menggoda
atau pada pujuk rayu seorg wanita yg meruntuhkan imannya.
Telah tercatat seungkap nama lelaki di luh manfuz untukmu.
Cuma peribadinya ditentukan oleh sejauh mana ktinggian peribadimu,
jika kau tetap di atas jalan yg diredhai, insya-Allah si dia turut di jalan yg sama..

setiap manusia dianugerahkan dgn satu perasaan yg unik.. bersemi dan bercambah dalam diri tanpa dipaksa dan dipinta.. itulah cinta.. fitrah manusia ingin menyayangi n disayangi.. x salah perasaan ini wujud dlm diri kte.. x salah! tapi.. what's wrong is us!! why?? ask yourself.. ok laa.. sebab perasaan ini fitrah manusia dan Allah x menyuruh manusia utk melawan fitrah.. sebab ape kte yg salah?? sbb kte, empunya diri nie laa yg btanggung jwb utk mengawal prasaan dgn sgala nikmat yg Allah beri.. dengan akal yg Allah beri utk kte bfikir.. dgn mata yg Allah anugerahkn utk melihat keindahan ciptaan-Nya yg dpt mningkatkn keimanan kte kpd yg maha Kuasa.. bkn melihat sesuatu yg melalaikn kte drp mengingati-Nya!!

we learn science, we learn BIO, we learn chemistry n ADD math!! all things in the world have relation.. bak kata teacher Hasyimah.. in chemistry we learn about atoms.. about molecules and ions.. to forming bonds between atoms to produce molecules or ions.. we have to choose approprite substances.. teacher said lagi; atom dgn atom yg kte gune utk jadikn molecule atau ion mesti laa ade relation.. kalu atom2 yg dgunakn x ade kserasian, buat laa ganer2 pown atom-atom tu x akn mix neither through chemichally nor physicaly method!!
SUBHANALLAH.. maha suci Allah.. nie laa logik akal yg boleh kte gunakn utk dkaitkn dgn ayat Allah;

perempuan2 yg keji utk lelaki yg keji,
dan lelaki2 yg keji utk perempuan2 yg keji,
sedangkn perempuan2 yg baik utk lelaki yg baik,
dan lelaki2 yg baik utk perempuan yg baik..

cinta nie ade magnet.. sebab tu kte hanye perlu mensolehahkn diri kte.. insya-Allah.. Kte pown akn dpt teman sejati yg soleh.. bentuk diri kte dulu.. bukan kcantikn, bkn kmewahan, tp sahsiah dan tingkah laku.. ok.. let see! the relation that exist between us is JODOH and the bonds that will form is AKAD.. semua nie dah tercatat di luh manfuz.. kalu si Dia Allah x tetapkn utk kte maka buat laa macam mane2 pown x akn happening.. konklusinya.. ingat laa no couple be4 nikah.. couple is TROUBLE.. don't make yourself in trouble!! NO COUPLE yup?? think.. DO YOU SURE THAT U WILL STILL ALIVE TOMORROW?? adakah esok masih ade utk kte?? one more.. couple nie akn msebabkn cinta mjadi tawar dan hambar.. why??sbb sumernye dah dsharekn.. bile ader masalah couplenye tu drujuk, jd penenang kalbu.. so, manenyer Quran yg Allah beri sebagai surat cinta-Nya yg mjadi pnyejuk hati?? manenyer Qiam n solat Hajat yg jadi pnenang diri?? "bukankah dgn mengingati Allah tu menenangkn hati??"


~wallahu a'lam~